Thursday, September 3, 2009

Maia Campbell....The Crackhead???

So, like the loyal Tweeter that I am checked my Twitter and was completely surprised to see that Maia Campbell as a top trending topic. It was even more disheartening however to see the reason. Apparently, the 32 year old ex "In the House" star is addicted to crack cocaine and even worse prostituting her body. In the video that's circulating around the internet, you can see the visibly sick Campbell, ranting and raving like a lunatic and very obviously under the influence of something. As many can recall Maia's mother, famed author Bebe Moore Campbell, died 3 years ago in November 2006 of brain cancer at the age of 56.  Earlier this year, there were also reports of her being addicted to meth but, I guess now is the living proof. As someone with a very close family member addicted to drugs, all that I can do is pray for her and all those men and women struggling through addiction. Here's the much watched and talked about video below:

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


So, I have one question for the day... When did Trey Songz become the finest dude in the industry? Obviously, after the cutting of those horrid braids but, now there is no one even coming CLOSE in comparison to him. That voice, those looks, that guy. Take a few moments to simply admire all of his Treyliciousness....

Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Hate, The Love & All the Above

1. The Song: Breakup- Mario ft/ Gucci Mane & Sean "The Pen" Garrett
In any other circumstance, a collabo by the likes of Sean Garrett, newly bald Mario & grammatically incorrect Gucci Mane, would be completely unacceptable. For some reason however, this atrocity on paper actually, dare I say... works. Hmm.

2. The Television Show: Real World: Cancun
Though this has the typical reality show setup (built up & let down drama), I actually like it. Maybe its Jonna's creepy eyes, maybe Jasmine's drunken spazz, maybe even Ayiia's self mutilation. Idk. But, this show has got me going (Day26 voice).... ok won't be repeating that again.

3. The Person: Ryan Reynolds

Cute. Funny. Slightly douchtastic swag. I mean does it get any better?! Never even NOTICED his screw-ability until "The Proposal" SWOON. And looking back, can't BELIEVE I was so neglectful to his awesomeness in a fat suit in "Just Friends". Bottom line, he rocks socks and ScarJo is simply not worthy.

4. The Band: Dirty Money

Dirty Money is literally 1/3 washed up rapper/mogul, 1/3 ex-DK/mildly talented singer & 1/3 Estelle's twin that we've never heard of. But, their music is so simply boss. The only precursors to their album can be heard on MTV's "Making His Band". Definitely worth the hour of viewership, just to hear some snippets.

5. The Episode: "Football Player" from The Show: "MADE"

Aside from the half naked gorgeousness of (football player to be) Christian's teammates, the utter awesomeness of this scrawny geek makes this episode of MADE timeless. Even better, he (after a year of public school hell) transferred back to private school by the end of the episode and never actually made it into being a football player. Classic.

6. The Item: LG Vu
Music, tv, notepad, camera.... What can I say? It is my lifeline... oh and did I mention phone? Yeah that too...

7. The Movie: The Orphan
Ok, so this movie is officially the creepiest shit I've ever seen in life! I haven't seen a suspense movie this good in years so I HAD to "give it up to the ghost"..... literally :/

8. The Website:
New Yorkers are dicks! And this websites is filled with tons of their daily dickish anecdotes heard throughout the city in the most random places (i.e. the subway, street corners, etc.) It totally makes me admire their assholic ways.

9. The Hate: Bow Wow
The thought of Bow Wow makes me throw up in my mouth.... repeatedly.... need I say more??

10. The Love: Reality Television
Yeah it's pathetic but, all of this RealWorldRealChanceofLoveRealHousewivesofAtlanta crap is completely enticing... in all of the wrong ways, but what can I say...I'm addicted. And although the only thing "real" about these shows are the titles, I say keep the faux drama coming, Monday-Friday.

Video Newness: "So Good" Day26

I love love love this song! And now that there's a video with plenty of hoes, singing & "Day26 groovin" as me & my friend like to refer to it as, I am more than excited to present it on my blog. Here it t-i-s: 

Mr. President Porch Monkey???

The story behind this post goes like this. I'm sitting in my dorm watching reruns on BET and all of a sudden, a commercial comes on. "Do you want you very own piece of the American dream? Then get your VERY OWN Obama sneakers!!" Needless to say, I immediately had a "wtf" moment. I was even more flabbergasted when the commercial added that not only do you get the sneakers but, "an  Obama basketball free with purchase!"..... Naturally, I assumed this must be a joke but, after further research I found out it wasn't. I couldn't believe it. This is so disappointing and disrespectful to our president. No other president had ridiculous memorabilia, let alone some damn sneakers & a basketball. And why is he on these things in particular? Because he's black? *side eye* Why not just put him on a bucket of chicken & the side of a watermelon. And while their at it, we might add Michelle to pack of weave. Don't make any sense. Until, we put president Clinton on a box of condoms & president Bush on a cowboy hat &  a rifle, people need to stop. 

Monday, August 17, 2009

Redemption Song: "Changed Man" -Chris Brown

Ok, so no one is on team Chris Brown like I am, but I am sorry to say I can't stand his newest "forgive me please" song in efforts to regain his image. First, it was the YouTube driven apology video. Now, this desperate attempt to have his fans see how much he's "changed." Initially, I felt sorry for him but, that sorrow is soon wearing off and is causing myself (and I believe a lot of his other fans) to think that he's becoming a little pathetic. If he continues trying to prove that he's changed by apologizing & singing his testimonies he'll never regain the fame he had. All he needs to do is hook up with Pharrell, get a hot beat, throw a rapper on it (preferably Drake *wink, wink*), sing, make a little dance to it & all will be forgiven & forgotten. Because frankly, all this crying on the internet crap is NOT getting the job done C.Breezy.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Just A Lil Sumin' Sumin' To Pass The Time

If you're anything like me you get bored at your job (or internship) fairly easily. The constant repetitive format, of meetings, phone calls & spreadsheets can soon become extremely dull. So once you're done sneaking behind your bosses back to fulfill your Twitter/Facebook duties, here's four of my favorite blogs to pass the time.

1) Overheard In NY ( I don't live there (YET!) but, I am a COMPLETE NYC head! I love everything about the city & reading these daily anecdotes about random sayings heard all around town makes, living there seem all the more desirable.

2) Ed's Intern Diaries ( Ok, so I may be a little partial to this because I'm a journalism major and its kind of in my field but, sometimes hearing about the daily traumas & triumphs of other working folks is are just what you need to make it though your day. This blog is no exception. It chronicles the lives of 4 magazine interns as the go through their summer internship. Interesting stuff to say the least.

3) College Stories ( As most people, I have personally experienced college hell more than once. Dorm room drama, all nighters, class stress, finals fury, the works! But, is a site filled with some of the craziest (and most relatible) college stories you've ever heard. If it doesn't make you feel better at your own college situation, its sure to at least make you laugh at someone elses...

4) This Is Why You're Fat ( This one is pretty self explanatory. It's a blog completely FILLED with pics & descriptions of the weirdest & most calorie packed foods you can imagine (ever heard of a cap'n crunch donut? yeah didn't think so). So this is def the one to log onto when you need a push to work out. I'm about to to get on the Wii Fit just writing about it.

So, hopefully these sites will make that 8 hour shift go by a little faster.


Michael"Letthemdogsfight!" Vick Comes to the E A G L E S (EAGLES!!!!)

After spenting nearly two years in jail for dogfightting, Michael Vick is surprisingly coming to the Philadelphia Eagles. Needless to say, the PETA representatives are losing their minds about it. They stand with the position that he shouldn't have been reinstated to the NFL because of what he did. What the hell ever happened to "did the crime, paid the time?"

As a Philadelphia resident, I am ESTATIC to see Michael Vick come to the Eagles. Hell, I might even watch a game or two. Its so hypocritical for people to say that he shouldn't play. His personal life doesn't have anything to do with his talent. Once scandal occurred, we forgot that he was a Pro Bowl NFL quarterback. Now whe only know him as the quarterback who held dog fights. Similar to singer Chris Bown after his alleged beating of girlfriend Rihanna, his great talent is completely overshadowed by controversy.

I say, welcome Dog Killer, you have found a new home in the city of Brotherly Love & Sisterly Affection. (Now bring us a damn Super Bowl already!!)

Sunday, August 9, 2009

You Know Its A Media Recession When...

...One of the nation's (possibly world's) most popular women's magazines (Glamour) has to completely purge itself of all its receptionists just to keep the magazine a float. Yes, you heard correctly. As of last week, infamous media company Conde Nast declared that they would be laying off ALL of their receptionists, therefore leaving the editorial staff to be responsible for directing calls & all other traffic that usually falls under the secretarial staff duties. The dismissal included Glamour's Betty Wales, who'd served as a receptionist for the company for 20+ years. The release of the receptionists also comes weeks after, Conde Nast (who has been grasping for straws in this recession for months) canceled their newspaper subscriptions & cut back on editoral content for most of their mags in an effort to save money. And just when they believed it couldn't get worse..... It did.

My greatest concern however, is what this drastic change will do to the editoral content of the magazines. With all of the additional strain added to the editors & staff writers, it should only be a matter of time before the work they do will take a plunge. But, only time will tell & hopefully we won't be bearing yet another magazine farewell.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Drake's Wipeout At the Philly "America's Most Wanted" Tour

Soooo, I was pretty pretty pissed that I couldn't make the "America's Most Wanted" Tour in my hometown yesterday. Evidently, I didn't miss much however due to the fact the Drake (the main reason I wanted to go) fell out during his performance. The fall was attributed to his torn ACL that wasn't really healed enough for the tour. He told MTV that the doctors didn't clear him but, he couldn't "disappoint my fans." Sorry to say, but my fans would've been some disappointed asses. Gotta admire his diligence though. I wonder how they feel now that he could become the real life wheelchair Jimmy. Hoping for the best though. Get well Drizzy Drake. Muah.

The Celebs (Or Not Really) That I Love To Hate

Your pictures and fotos in a slideshow on MySpace, eBay, Facebook or your website!view all pictures of this slideshow

We all have those few people who make us ask, "Why are you on my TV again?".... Yeah, I have an entire 10 item list of those peeps. Here they are in all of their shitfaced glory & why they are so loathed:

1) Keri Hilson- Somebody gets one hit and wants to take a shot at Queen Bee. *tisk, tisk* PLUS, I get the strange feeling that she's much older than she claims. I'm thinking at least early 40's :/

2) Teyana Taylor- What is this person famous for again? A record deal sans any actual RECORDS, except one terrible try about googling. Get some talent or at least a hot verse or sit down and stop invading my news blogs & tweets. Google that bitch.

3) Ashanti- Cannot get pass the muppetish looks, or lack of vocal ability to see any potential... Oh wait there's none to be found. Sorry.

4) Bow Wow- (Sigh)... need I say more

5) Hurricane Chris- Any twat who made a degrading song about an oscar winning actress, didn't get her permission, and therefore had to change the title and lyrics to keep from getting sued def deserves a spot on this list. Sit the fuck down. Period.

6) Joe Jackson- (sigh).... once again need I say more

7) Quincy B.- "I'm stuntin' like my daddy" NEWS FLASH honey bunny, Diddy is NOT THE FATHER (maury voice :/). The father is however, the light skin, throwback with the unibrow. P.S. you look JUST like him. So, accept it, deal, get therapy and move on.

8) Lala Vazquez- Ok, this is one I'm kinda on the fence about. This is more a, when/why did Carmelo upgrade this chick? Someone please explain to me how she went from MTV VJ with a bad weave to ballin' baby mom? How does she do it?

9) Rihanna- So, I didn't like Rihanna before but, she def moved up on the bitch scale when she shitted on Chris Breezy's career. Get deported please and thanks :-). Team CHRIS BROWN up in this bitch.

10) Souljaboy Tell'em- So many wrongs with this person. 1st being that his name is half of a grammatically incorrect sentence. SMDH. What I would like to know is if we Myspaced his fame in, could we Facebook his fame out? :/ No. Ok, just a question

Honorable Mentions: Miley Cyrus & Taylor Swift
(Please don't think the Caucasian persuasion has been forgotten about)

And there it is folks my list of complete celeb nuisances. Btw, this is in no order given that they are all EQUALLY annoying. Toodles!

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Gorge Awards

Greetings all! Today I have been inspired by my friend and fellow blogger, Ashley (@ - check it out). In honor of her creation of the "Gorge Awards", I've decided to create my very own with 3 in each category.... Here goes nothing bitches...

Your pictures and fotos in a slideshow on MySpace, eBay, Facebook or your website!view all pictures of this slideshow

1) Drake- Who couldn't just LOVE wheelchair Jimmy?! So cute, so Canadian, so awesome... :-)
2) Trey Songz- The voice of the of a God, and now sans braids... the looks of one. Love it!
3) Pharrell Williams- Pharrell is just cool shit. Period.

White Boys That RULE
1) Paul Walker- Whether he's a racer in Fast and the Furious or a douche in Drive Me Crazy. He always does it sexily. 
2) Channing Tatum- So effin' GORGEOUS. Despite some shitty career choices coughStepUpcough, I completely forgive thee.
3) Mark Wahlberg- Marky Mark is the ultimate hottie. Even in his late 30's still hot shit.
The ActorswhoIcouldcarelessaboutthereactingonlytheirlooks Gorge
1) Michael Ealy- Barbershop, eh... Halo video LOVES!! Pretty eyes, sexable voice, completely perf.
2) Lance Gross- Totes minstrel show on House of Payne but, can total get with him offscreen :/
3) Michael B. Jordan- Sans braids, the ex-Wallace totes gets it right and tight

The "Whythefuckare you withyourmate" Gorge
1) Justin Timberlake- Justin this category is all for you. Please rid yourself of the 7th Heaven bitch and make me smile again
2) Michael Cera- An asian? Really Michael.... an asian?
3) Chris Brown- So, NO he and Rihanna aren't together but when they were... EWWW! So, I still love youChris. You are TOTES worth the abuse... I guess...

The Import Gorge
1) Idris Elba- Been in love since Stringer Bell in the Wire. Two words: nothings changed...
2) David Beckham- I have never watch one soccer game. Probably never will. But, I have seen a Calvin Klein ad and me likey (wink)..... Yeah, ignore that last skeevy perv sounding comment. :/
3) Colin Farrell- SWATfreakintasic. Love love LOVE this hot Irishman.

The Vintage Gorge
1) Michael Jackson- Love M.J. Completely hot shit with his jerry curl.
2) C. Thomas Howell- I could watch the Outsiders over and over. Marry me, and make me a Greaset ASAP. 
3) James Dean- Rebel Without A Cause. He's hot. Period.

The Lesbianic Gorge
1) Megan Fox- So gorgeous. Can almost "transform" one into a leso. :/
2) Marilyn Monroe- Classically beautiful. Why must the fab die young.
3) Alicia Keys- I love this girl. Type freakin' perfect.

The Athletic Gorge
1) Lebron James- OMG. King James rocks socks. Period.
2) Will Demps- Can't tell you what NFL team he plays for. Can't tell you his stats. Can only tell you that he was in Letoya Luckett's vid & I've been in love ever since.
3) Chris Paul- Those eyes, those skills, that guy. Chris Paul= Love.

The Reality TV Gorge
1) Joey Rozmus (Real World: Cancun)- So, Joey's a little bit of a dick.... or a lot a bit of a dick BUT, it only adds to his epic assholic appeal :-)
2) Phillip Chbeeb (So You Think You Can Dance)- Mad moves, mad cute, mad perfect. Period.
3) Diggy Simmons (Run's House)- Ok, so this last one makes me seem QUITE pedophiliac but, how could Diggy not make you want to be 13 again. 

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Individuality.... NOW!

Ok, so I guess everybody wants to be a G..... Or everybody wants to be Rih... as in Rihanna :/ And if they don't they sure as hell seems like it! With all the new random haircuts, it seems that R&B girls are in a constant rat race to out do one another. Find yourself people. My whole thing is, do you because no one can do you better.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

NY Daily News CLAIMS Two L.I. Girls Are Often Mistaken For First Daughters.... :/

Do you see any similarites between these two sets of girls??

....... Yeah, me neither..... nor did 96% of the viewers....

According to the NY Daily News Paper however, these Long Island, NY sisters, Krissy & Nandra Best, are the spitting image of first daughters, Sasha & Malia Obama. This all leads me to the question. Do they think all black people alike? I mean Stevie Wonder could that the only similarities between the two are their age groups and heritage. One NY Daily comment read:

"While these young ladies are pretty in their own right, there is no way of confusing them with Obama's daughters. Maybe Regis and Kelly were confused, but fortunately, black people don't think that all black people look alike. Regis and Kelly might need to enlargen their social circles to add a bit more color and variety."

Certainly does make you go... hmm... smdh...

To read the full article click the link below:

R.I.P Frank McCourt

Pulitzer Prize winning "Angela's Ashes" is probably one of the most amazing books in the world. It tells the story of an impoverished Irish family struggling to survive disease, lack of funds and social shunning to gain a better life. The story, which was an autobiography & later turned into a film, was written by Frank McCourt who unfortunaely passed this weekend. If you haven't read the book or seen the movie I highly recommend you do. Two of the most profound pieces I've ever encountered. Watch the trailer below:

The Surreal-Est Ish I Ever Wrote

USTREAM = T M fuckin' I

Ok, so with all of the social networking overload that is flooding the internet, the line between celebrity and fan is getting more and more smaller. The cherry on all of this facebook/myspace/twitterage is  UStream. Recently, an array celebs (Dwight Howard, Bow Wow, Soulja Boy & Teyana Taylor included) have been using this website to broadcast live via video and respond DIRECTLY and immediately to fans in a conversation. Some might think this is good. I however, think it totally takes the fun out of shit?! I mean come on. What is it about celebs we love?? It's that they're fabulously unattainable. And by creating more mediums for fans to get "in touch" with their fave celeb the chase is taken out and they just become.... well.... dare I say, normal.... (shrieking at the thought). What ever happened to the good old days when you fantasized about your celeb idol, but knew you didn't have a shot in HELL at communicating with them. (sigh) Oh for how I miss thee.... 

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Waste Of Paper: The Last Issue of VIBE Magazine featuring Christina Mili-Blonde & The Dream

As I am completely a magazine head, I was PISSSED when I found out that the magazine would be discontinuing after the next issue. What plagues me even more however, is the awkward timing & the fact VIBE, whose known for it's great tributes to deceased artists (i.e. Left Eye, Aaliyah & Jam Master Jay), isn't doing some sort of impromptu tribute to THE KING?! WTF?! True scratch my head moment... Instead, the issue will feature coughexaggeratedgroupiecough Christina Milian & boy toy The Dream (who up until this rather provocative cover claimed to be "just friends") as the headliners. The cover features the two completely nude from the waist up with Dream's arm covering X-tina's tat-tats in a Janet Jackson-esque style pose. The two who couldn't get a cover individually (Vibe passed on X-tina for Ciara in its October 2008 issue) now have their drab romance to be the lead of the fallen mag for all eternity. Sad ending for a great read....

Drake Responds to Pedophilic BET Awards Performance & Video Newness: Drake "Best I Ever Had"

Ok, so Drake & Lil Wayne's Sunday BET Awards performance left quite a few of us scratching our head's and questioning how they possibly thought it was appropriate to have a bunch of 12 year olds (including Wayne's OWN DAUGHTER Reginae) dancing around the stage during their performance of "Every Girl" (bka "I wish I could f%@k every girl in the world"). Drake responded however, to Complex to somewhat clear the air on the incident with a comeback that makes me think he was scratching his head just as much as we were:

Complex: Damn, that’s horrible. At the BET Awards this past Sunday, everyone was shocked to see you sitting on a stool. Did you ever think to yourself, Maybe I shouldn’t perform?

Drake: That, actually—to be honest—was a terrible idea that I’ll never do to myself again. [Laughs] But I was being pressed from different areas to perform, and I think what really happened at the BET Awards is with the passing of Mike, the climate really changed, as far as the award show goes. I don’t think it called for us to perform “Every Girl” and “Always Strapped,” and I think it was an award show filled with tributes and music and these genuine heartfelt speeches. And to sort of climax out of a very tongue-in-cheek point, and then people misconstruing Wayne’s daughters and her friends coming out on stage…

Complex: Yeah, it really was an awkward moment.

Drake: Yeah, it was just timed very poorly and it definitely wasn’t planned like that, but with that being said, it is what is. I believe in Wayne and myself and it’s nothing we can’t bounce back from. To anyone who was offended, my personal apologies, it wasn’t intended to offend anybody.

Complex: Watching it at home, the BET Awards seemed to be a mess. Did it seem that way in person?

Drake: Well, I can only speak for my portion of it. I had asked for something very specific for my performance and none of those were met, as far as production value, so…

Complex: That’s BET for you…

Drake: I understood my situation, as far as sitting in one place, and figured there was a way to make it interesting. But when I looked around and noticed that none of that was going on [laughs], I kind of just realized that it was going to be a loss for me. But at the end of the day, it is what it is.

Poor Drake :-( ... The saddest thing is however, I don't really think it's his place to have to respond to anything. If anyone should be responding it should be Wayne (or maybe his babymama, Toya whose probably to wrapped up in her own 15 mins of "reality" show fame.) I know it'll be a snowy day in hell before that happens... and the cycle continue.... SMDH..... And OFF of my Al Sharpton moment is the video newness of Drake's "Best I Ever Had" & here it is:

Jermaine Jackson Speaks Out

As the tragic circumstances of Michael Jackson death continue to flood the news & internet I recently watched the interview of Michael's brother, Jermaine by Matt Lauer (embedded below) and it truly touched me... Amidst, all the craziness people are forgetting that a family lost their love one, parent their son, siblings their brother and children their father. Just another reminder away from the crazy rumor mill to always love the ones who are around you because you never know when they won't be there.... R.I.P M.J.:

Monday, June 29, 2009

2009 BET Awards: The Fabulousness & Foolishness


This years BET Awards was full of all the absolute foolishness & shenanigans that keeps us coming back every year even though we vow not to. With an opening tribute to M.J. from the reunited New Edition (including Bobby!!) and host Jamie Foxx "Beat-ing It" it was hard not realize early in the game that this award show was heading on a downward spiral. Following their performance (if that's what you call six old guys bouncing around the stage), Tyra "I wannabeOprahsobad" Banks presented Lebron James (<333) with the first award of the night (Best Athlete) & Lil Wayne with the second (Best Male Hip-Hop Artist). In efforts to cut down any excess to honor the King most presenters presented not only one but, TWO awards & most catagories didn't announce the nominees but, the winners only. And as expected nearly EVERYONE was thanking M.J. before they even thanked God or their own damn mamas. The rest of the night was filled with mediocre tributes, the most "slit my wrist" type Beyonce performance, the longest O'Jays lifetime achievement dedication of life, an unfortunate semi-pedophilia incident during the Drake & Lil Wayne performance of "Every Girl" & a skit from the film "Baby Boy" that still has me scratching my head.... :/ The savior of it all however, was an emotional Janet Jackson coming out to speak on behalf of her family, leaving the entire audience teary-eyed. Couldn't help but notice the abscence of the former Chrihanna, which REALLY puzzled me as far as the Chris Breezy-less M.J.

BTW, Here's my "Best of the Best & Worst of the Rest" List: Best Dressed Girl: Alicia Keys "Ignoring the pimple on her nose who decided it wanted to see the MJ tribute too, she looked pretty damn fab!"

Worst Dressed: Amerie "Hi-de-ous!... I've seen more live looking corpses"

Best Dressed Guy: "Lebron James "This man could put on a potato sack & STILL look good! (Thank God he didn't though... I'm not that damn generous)"

Worst Dressed Guy: Day26 "Ok, they just COLLECTIVELY looked stupid... Que is so zesty I can't even take it, Mike plz unbutton that vest before you put my eye and Bryan... let braids go... for all of our sakes. geez. Just too many wrongs."

And for more detailed info feel free to read my tweets which I updated throughout the entire show:

  1. Icon_lockprofanity... pedophilia... Don Cornelius... and Janet Jackson... only @BETAwards ... It's a wrap tweets!
  2. Icon_lock@BETAwards thank God the show ran overtime or this shit would've REALLY sucked! R.I.P M.J.
  3. Icon_lock@BETAwards OMG it's JANET!!!
  4. Icon_lock@BETAwards OMG why is Lil Wayne & Drake supporting teen prostitution... WTF?! What is happening?!
  5. Icon_lock@BETAwards Damn is Drake the REAL wheelchair Jimmy? I thought it was just for Degrassi?! :/
  6. Icon_lock@BETAwards Gotta Love Wheelchair Jimmy! :-)
  7. Icon_lock@BETAwards = Worst Michael Jackson Tribute Ever!!! I saw better shit on MTV!!!
  8. Icon_lock@BETAwards Maxwell better get a damn broom... Who he think cleaning that shit up?!
  9. Icon_lock@BETAwards I am officially snoring...
  10. Icon_lock@BETAwards Jamie Foxx is such a jamaican! Music/comedy tour... ghetto shit I tell you... ghetto shit...
  11. Icon_lock@BETAwards Aww of the night: Jay-Z & Beyonce! :-)
  12. Icon_lock@BETAwards what is with the "Baby Boy" shoutouts?! Did John Singleton die?! Oh no, it was Michael Jackson... smdh
  13. Icon_lock@BETAwards The Definition of Ghetto: Tameka "Tiny" Cottle... Also, this is the closest Tiny will come to ever winning an award...
  14. Icon_lock@BETAwards LMFAO Yvette & Jodie!!!
  15. Icon_lock@BETAwards did anyone forget that Jamie Foxx was the host? Did he get fired mid-show? This ghetto shit... I wouldn't even be surprised...
  16. Icon_lock@BETAwards This is killing me.. After they've been cramping this whole show together, they decide to show 2 damn events within the last hour
  17. Icon_lock@BETAwards OMFG! I mean I know Debra Lee is the CEO & all but, does she really have to talk every damn year?!
  18. Icon_lock@BETAwards When the hell did we forget about the damn M.J. tribute!
  19. Icon_lock@BETAwards oh lord T-Pain is hitting the stage soon?! This show is going from bad to worse... K I L L M E N O W!
  20. Icon_lock@BETAwards Eddie Levert, what does getting a damn hit record have to do with Obama becoming prez?! That bad segweg topped the Bey & Jay one!
  21. Icon_lock@BETAwards OH SNAP! Eddie Levert just said SHIT!!! OMG, only on the black awards show!! lmfao!
  22. Icon_lock@BETAwards DAMN! You know its bad when the RECIPIENT acknowledges that the presenter took too long! lmfao!
  23. Icon_lock@BETAwards Trey Songz's is so much damn FINER with his hair cut... Whew!
  24. Icon_lock@BETAwards OH LORD!! TEVIN CAMPBELL!! He is not singing "Can We Talk" anymore!
  25. Icon_lock@BETAwards Don Cornelius is sounding TOO much like Ben Stein on the "Clear Eyes" commerical... zzz....zzz...
  26. Icon_lock@BETAwards DUDE! Don Cornelius is still alive?!
  27. Icon_lock@BETAwards I'm thinking Mike from Day26 might wanna unbutton that vest before he puts the camera lens out! :/
  28. Icon_lock@BETAwards mom says Monica is dirty b/c "she just had that on when she performed!" Lmao that's considered dirty b/c I thought the same thing
  29. Icon_lock@BETAwards FINALLY! Headline: Jay-Z Gets A Much Needed Hair Cut!
  30. Icon_lock@BETAwards OMG that was the dumbest Jay-Z/Beyonce segweg ever!
  31. Icon_lock@BETAwards damn Bey, I know you mourning but, you could've stepped your look up girl...
  32. Icon_lock@BETAwards Ari Gold is @ the damn BET Awards! He is so effin' G! <333
  33. Icon_lockeverybody needs to STOP with M.J. jackets... its been 3 days & its already getting old... they can't rock it like Mike if they tried!
  34. Icon_lock@BETAwards ATL Housewives = Hoodrats w/ money... smdh
  35. Icon_lockfunniest joke ever: @itsthereal: DRAKE WASN'T STANDING FOR BEL BIV DEVOE! IS HE BACK IN A WHEELCHAIR?!?! (lmao, Wheelchair Jimmy!!)
  36. Icon_locklmfao @ my mom re-inacting the Poison dance...
  37. Icon_lock@BETAwards to many cigs Aaron Hall.... Too many damn cigs.... smdh
  38. Icon_lock@BETAwards OH SHIT! Where did they dig Keith Sweat up from?!
  39. Icon_lock@BETAwards why does Fabolous always sound like he needs to blow his damn nose??
  40. Icon_lock@BETAwards They played the right song for Taraji! She is such a diva! Love her! <333
  41. Icon_lock@BETAwards OMG!!! You know the awards show is GHETTO when the presenter goes to the bathroom right before she presents!!
  42. Icon_lock@BETAwards Mary Mary is the jiggiest gospel act since Kirk Franklin!!
  43. Icon_lockwhy does the way Tiny says "um hmm" in the "Tiny & Toya" promo comercial bother me so much? hmm...
  44. Icon_lock@BETAwards I never thought I'd say this about Beyonce but, thank god that is OVER!
  45. Icon_lock@BETAwards Beyonce is boring the life of me... I didn't know I was @ a catholic funeral?
  46. Icon_lock@BETAwards LOVE Ne-Yo & Tenille... so cute! <333
  47. Icon_lock@BETAwards T-Pain looks like a god damn fool!!
  48. Icon_lock@BETAwards I am giving myself the finger gun to my head because Souljatell'em is performing... Let me know when its back to the M.J. tribute
  49. Icon_lock@cthagod prime example of some negro who has never had anything...
  50. Icon_lock@BETAwards SOO glad to see Travis Barker doing better post-plane crash! :-)
  51. Icon_lock@BETAwards OMG Joe Jackson is there!! R.I.P M.J.
  52. Icon_lockthe power of Michael Jackson is awesome.... This man is STILL putting on a show & he isn't even here anymore... R.I.P M.J.
  53. Icon_lock@BETAwards I LOVE LEBRON!!
  54. Icon_lock@BETAwards Jamie Foxx = best BET Awards host ever!
  55. Icon_lock@BETAwards OMGees!!! Jamie is KILLING this "Beat It" tribute!!
  56. Icon_lockDiddy is such a jerk!! I LOVE IT!!! lmao
  57. Icon_lockok who are these people doing the damn "jerk" on the BET Awards preshow?? Please sit down... like now...
  58. Icon_lockwatching the BET Awards Pre-Show... SOOO excited for the Michael Jackson tribute...