Thursday, July 2, 2009

Waste Of Paper: The Last Issue of VIBE Magazine featuring Christina Mili-Blonde & The Dream

As I am completely a magazine head, I was PISSSED when I found out that the magazine would be discontinuing after the next issue. What plagues me even more however, is the awkward timing & the fact VIBE, whose known for it's great tributes to deceased artists (i.e. Left Eye, Aaliyah & Jam Master Jay), isn't doing some sort of impromptu tribute to THE KING?! WTF?! True scratch my head moment... Instead, the issue will feature coughexaggeratedgroupiecough Christina Milian & boy toy The Dream (who up until this rather provocative cover claimed to be "just friends") as the headliners. The cover features the two completely nude from the waist up with Dream's arm covering X-tina's tat-tats in a Janet Jackson-esque style pose. The two who couldn't get a cover individually (Vibe passed on X-tina for Ciara in its October 2008 issue) now have their drab romance to be the lead of the fallen mag for all eternity. Sad ending for a great read....

1 comment:

  1. omg! i was thinking this exact same fuckin thing.

    so epically creepy. oh. my. god.
