Thursday, September 3, 2009

Maia Campbell....The Crackhead???

So, like the loyal Tweeter that I am checked my Twitter and was completely surprised to see that Maia Campbell as a top trending topic. It was even more disheartening however to see the reason. Apparently, the 32 year old ex "In the House" star is addicted to crack cocaine and even worse prostituting her body. In the video that's circulating around the internet, you can see the visibly sick Campbell, ranting and raving like a lunatic and very obviously under the influence of something. As many can recall Maia's mother, famed author Bebe Moore Campbell, died 3 years ago in November 2006 of brain cancer at the age of 56.  Earlier this year, there were also reports of her being addicted to meth but, I guess now is the living proof. As someone with a very close family member addicted to drugs, all that I can do is pray for her and all those men and women struggling through addiction. Here's the much watched and talked about video below:

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


So, I have one question for the day... When did Trey Songz become the finest dude in the industry? Obviously, after the cutting of those horrid braids but, now there is no one even coming CLOSE in comparison to him. That voice, those looks, that guy. Take a few moments to simply admire all of his Treyliciousness....